select a.table_name as name, b.comments as table_comment,
round(d.bytes/1024, 0) as tablesize,
c.status as storage_limit, c.last_ddl_time
from tabs a, user_tab_comments b, user_objects c, user_segments d
where a.table_name = b.table_name(+)
and a.table_name = c.object_name
and c.object_type = 'TABLE'
and a.table_name = d.segment_name
and d.segment_type = 'TABLE'
and b.comments like '%%'
order by a.table_name
-- 모든 계정의 테이블[view 포함]
select * from all_tab_comments
-- 모든 테이블의 컬럼
select * from all_col_comments
출처 :
임시테이블 (0) | 2012.05.22 |
Oracel With 구문... (0) | 2012.05.22 |
Week , Day 뽑기 (0) | 2012.05.22 |
Procedure Sample (0) | 2012.05.22 |
DB Link 방법 (0) | 2012.05.21 |