DataBase/SQL Server

MS SQL Server DB 사용량, Table Size

탑~! 2021. 1. 4. 16:07

--사용량 체크

USE [DB_Name]

select  'DB_Size' Gubun, sum(size)/128  Size_MB from sys.database_files     where [type] in ( 0, 2, 4 )
union all
select  'LOG_Size',      sum(size)/128          from sys.database_files     where [type] in ( 1,3 )
union all
select 'SpaceUsed',      sum(total_pages)/128   from sys.allocation_units

-- Table Size

select  max(         TableName
       ,cast((sum(a.reserved) * 8192.0 / 1024   ) as numeric(18,0)) TableSize_KB
       ,cast((sum(a.reserved) * 8192.0 / 1048576) as numeric(18,0)) TableSize_MB
from    SysIndexes a
        inner join SysObjects b on ( =
where   a.indid in (0, 1, 255)
and     b.xtype = 'U'
group by
order by sum(a.reserved) desc

-- TABLE 건수

from    sysindexes a
        inner join  sysobjects b on ( =
where   a.indid     < 2
and     b.xtype     = 'U'
order by a.rows desc