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Digital display control in C#.Net using GDI+


by 탑~! 2012. 12. 27. 11:50




In any business app, visual representation of data has an important role. Sometimes playing with the visual representations can increase the usability of the application. This article explains how can you create a digital display control for numeric value and use in software to enhance user experience.

This control can be used for any numeric or time display. You can use this control in conjunction with the Gradient Panel. This is how it looks like. 
digital display clock 
digital display sale 


This control can display numeric date and valid time value in 24 hour format. You can customize following properties in it:
  • Digital Text Color
  • Digital Text Value (can include 0-9, '.' and ':')

Source Code (Download here)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Owf.Controls
  public partial class DigitalDisplayControl : UserControl
    private Color _digitColor = Color.GreenYellow;
    [Browsable(true), DefaultValue("Color.GreenYellow")]
    public Color DigitColor
      get { return _digitColor; }
      set { _digitColor = value; Invalidate(); }

    private string _digitText = "88.88";
    [Browsable(true), DefaultValue("88.88")]
    public string DigitText
      get { return _digitText; }
      set { _digitText = value; Invalidate(); }

    public DigitalDisplayControl()
      this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
      this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
      this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
      this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
      this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
      this.BackColor = Color.Transparent;

    private void DigitalGauge_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
      e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

      SevenSegmentHelper sevenSegmentHelper = new SevenSegmentHelper(e.Graphics);

      SizeF digitSizeF = sevenSegmentHelper.GetStringSize(_digitText, Font);
      float scaleFactor = Math.Min(ClientSize.Width / digitSizeF.Width, 
          ClientSize.Height / digitSizeF.Height);
      Font font = new Font(Font.FontFamily, scaleFactor * Font.SizeInPoints);
      digitSizeF = sevenSegmentHelper.GetStringSize(_digitText, font);

      using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(_digitColor))
        using (SolidBrush lightBrush = 
            new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(20, _digitColor)))
            _digitText, font, brush, lightBrush,
            (ClientSize.Width - digitSizeF.Width) / 2,
            (ClientSize.Height - digitSizeF.Height) / 2);

  public class SevenSegmentHelper
    Graphics _graphics;

    // Indicates what segments are illuminated for all 10 digits
    static byte[,] _segmentData = {{1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1},
               {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0},  
               {1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1},  
               {1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1},  
               {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0},  
               {1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1},  
               {1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1},  
               {1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0},  
               {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},  
               {1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1}}; 

    // Points that define each of the seven segments
    readonly Point[][] _segmentPoints = new Point[7][];

    public SevenSegmentHelper(Graphics graphics)
      this._graphics = graphics;
      _segmentPoints[0] = new Point[] {new Point( 3,  2), new Point(39,  2), 
          new Point(31, 10), new Point(11, 10)};
      _segmentPoints[1] = new Point[] {new Point( 2,  3), new Point(10, 11), 
          new Point(10, 31), new Point( 2, 35)};
      _segmentPoints[2] = new Point[] {new Point(40,  3), new Point(40, 35), 
          new Point(32, 31), new Point(32, 11)};
      _segmentPoints[3] = new Point[] {new Point( 3, 36), new Point(11, 32), 
          new Point(31, 32), new Point(39, 36), new Point(31, 40), 
          new Point(11, 40)};
      _segmentPoints[4] = new Point[] {new Point( 2, 37), new Point(10, 41), 
          new Point(10, 61), new Point( 2, 69)};
      _segmentPoints[5] = new Point[] {new Point(40, 37), new Point(40, 69), 
          new Point(32, 61), new Point(32, 41)};
      _segmentPoints[6] = new Point[] {new Point(11, 62), new Point(31, 62), 
          new Point(39, 70), new Point( 3, 70)};

    public SizeF GetStringSize(string text, Font font)
      SizeF sizef = new SizeF(0, _graphics.DpiX * font.SizeInPoints / 72);

      for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
        if (Char.IsDigit(text[i]))
          sizef.Width += 42 * _graphics.DpiX * font.SizeInPoints / 72 / 72;
        else if (text[i] == ':' || text[i] == '.')
          sizef.Width += 12 * _graphics.DpiX * font.SizeInPoints / 72 / 72;
      return sizef;

    public void DrawDigits(string text, Font font, Brush brush, 
        Brush brushLight, float x, float y)
      for (int cnt = 0; cnt < text.Length; cnt++)
        // For digits 0-9
        if (Char.IsDigit(text[cnt]))
          x = DrawDigit(text[cnt] - '0', font, brush, brushLight, x, y);
        // For colon :
        else if (text[cnt] == ':')
          x = DrawColon(font, brush, x, y);
        // For dot .
        else if (text[cnt] == '.')
          x = DrawDot(font, brush, x, y);

    private float DrawDigit(int num, Font font, Brush brush, Brush brushLight, 
        float x, float y)
      for (int cnt = 0; cnt < _segmentPoints.Length; cnt++)
        if (_segmentData[num, cnt] == 1)
          FillPolygon(_segmentPoints[cnt], font, brush, x, y);
          FillPolygon(_segmentPoints[cnt], font, brushLight, x, y);
      return x + 42 * _graphics.DpiX * font.SizeInPoints / 72 / 72;

    private float DrawDot(Font font, Brush brush, float x, float y)
      Point[][] dotPoints = new Point[1][];

      dotPoints[0] = new Point[] {new Point( 2, 64), new Point( 6, 61),
                                new Point(10, 64), new Point( 6, 69)};

      for (int cnt = 0; cnt < dotPoints.Length; cnt++)
        FillPolygon(dotPoints[cnt], font, brush, x, y);
      return x + 12 * _graphics.DpiX * font.SizeInPoints / 72 / 72;

    private float DrawColon(Font font, Brush brush, float x, float y)
      Point[][] colonPoints = new Point[2][];

      colonPoints[0] = new Point[] {new Point( 2, 21), new Point( 6, 17), 
          new Point(10, 21), new Point( 6, 25)};
      colonPoints[1] = new Point[] {new Point( 2, 51), new Point( 6, 47), 
          new Point(10, 51), new Point( 6, 55)};

      for (int cnt = 0; cnt < colonPoints.Length; cnt++)
        FillPolygon(colonPoints[cnt], font, brush, x, y);
      return x + 12 * _graphics.DpiX * font.SizeInPoints / 72 / 72;

    private void FillPolygon(Point[] polygonPoints, Font font, 
        Brush brush, float x, float y)
      PointF[] polygonPointsF = new PointF[polygonPoints.Length];

      for (int cnt = 0; cnt < polygonPoints.Length; cnt++)
        polygonPointsF[cnt].X = x + polygonPoints[cnt].X * 
            _graphics.DpiX * font.SizeInPoints / 72 / 72;
        polygonPointsF[cnt].Y = y + polygonPoints[cnt].Y * 
            _graphics.DpiY * font.SizeInPoints / 72 / 72;
      _graphics.FillPolygon(brush, polygonPointsF);

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